Our First Year

When did you start?

The idea for Women Won’t Wheesht events started on a Ferry, somewhere on the Irish Sea, when we were coming back from a weekend in Belfast at Let Women Speak.

Why did you think it was needed?  

There had already been a couple of events (prison protest & the Candlelit Vigil), but we wanted to be more organised, have regular events & wanted to give women who couldn’t travel to Edinburgh or Glasgow (whether due to caring responsibilities, mobility or financial constraints) the opportunity to attend real life events. 

What events have you organised?

We’ve had our regular open mic events in Govan, Ayr, Falkirk, Aberdeen, Portree & Dundee.

We organised a screening of Adult Human Female at the Eagle Inn Coatbridge, which was slightly overshadowed by the arrest of the former First Minister. 

We had a hustings in Rutherglen, where we invited all candidates to discuss “issues affecting women”. This was the 1st time we were ‘cancelled’, though not for long. 

We were included in Dundee Women’s Festival (the 1st time any sex-realist group had been) where we were ‘cancelled’ for the 2nd time, again not for long. 

The Halloween Ball with GTF & WRN was a brilliant success & we hope to see you this year. (Saturday, 2nd of November)

Our prison protest in Edinburgh was very well-attended – although Angela Constance STILL hasn’t replied to the letter with over 1,300 Scottish signatures that was hand delivered to her. 

We were really proud of Creative Accounting, our arts space, that Alloa Women’s Festival kindly allowed us to run at their brilliant event. 

We’ve attended numerous events & meetings (from Parliament to poetry) 

We’ve given countless interviews to the Press & TV (hopefully we’ve articulated what you wanted to say) 

Oh, and we’ve now got a Piper – thanks Pam & David.

Rutherglen Hustings
Creative Accounting Logo

Why open-mic events?

We saw the enthusiasm that women have for Kellie-Jay’s Let Women Speak events & ripped her off 😂 All joking aside, we learnt from Kellie-Jay & the brilliant organisation & Stewarding, and knew women in Scotland really wanted to speak & be heard.

Why are you not a membership group?

Very simply, there’s no reason to be. 

Women’s Rights Network do that brilliantly already. 

What’s your future plans?

We’re starting our open mic events again – we’re in Kirkcaldy on Saturday 18th of May & they’ll continue throughout the year. 

This year’s Halloween Party is booked for the 2nd of November. 

We have plans leading up to the General Election – stay tuned. 

We’ll be attending & supporting Let Women Speak events throughout the UK. 

Jenny will continue her ‘networking’ – we wouldn’t try to stand in her way! 

And we’ll, obviously, continue to support all of the wonderful Scottish groups & organisations, who without their support, we couldn’t have done any of this. 

So massive thanks to:

Alloa Women

For Women Scotland

For Women Scotland Sport


Lesbian Lives Scotland

Scottish Lesbians

Sole Sisters


WRN Scotland

XX Network

And, of course, most importantly, to every single person who has supported us with their presence, their time, their encouragement & with their money (merchandise is available) 

Caroline, Choc, Jenny & Julie 




